Saturday, May 11, 2024

Getting Healthcare Before Medicare Eligibility - The Story Of One Couple

This video tells the story of how a couple who retired at 58 managed to afford healthcare even though they were not eligible for Medicare.

Friday, May 10, 2024

8 Things To Do One Year Before You Retire!


This retiree gives 8 practical suggestions for those folks that are contemplating retirement in a year. Some of these steps are social and some financial. Dental expenses was an excellent thought on number 6!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Money Saving Ideas That Can Make Retirement More Affordable Or Help You Retire Earlier!


An excellent video presenting 10 money saving and expense cutting ideas that are helping this man reach his goal of an early retirement.

Check out my ebook: How Much Money Do I Need To Retire

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

6 Fears That Keep People From Retiring When They Really Want To


A lot of people would retire earlier if they can get over six common retirement fears.
What will I do?
Will my health start to fail?
I have a lot of regrets I am afraid to face.
Who am I going to socialize with, who will I spend time with?
I'm too old to start something new.
Do I have enough money?
This video answers these fears.

Check out my ebook "How Much Money Do I Need To Retire?" at

An Example Of A Woman Who Did Retirement Right!


This is a story of a woman who lost her husband at 34 and had 7 kids! She was a CPA who kept a few clients after formal retirement. She saved, invested, stayed active and traveled. She is still doing retirement well at the age of 87.

Check out my ebook "How Much Money Do I Need To Retire?" at

The Decision To Retire Is Tough- Some Things To Consider From A Working Man!


Is your job robbing you of precious years and physical health? This great video is simple advice from a man who weighed the pros and cons of retirement and decided to walk away.

Check out my ebook "How Much Money Do I Need To Retire?" at

Getting Healthcare Before Medicare Eligibility - The Story Of One Couple

This video tells the story of how a couple who retired at 58 managed to afford healthcare even though they were not eligible for Medicare. C...